PvP Bots
Players will have the option to PvP against ten(10) different entities for either DuelBot1v1, DuelBot2v2 or DuelBot3v3. Supports from version 1.7.10 - 1.16.5.
Please note that bots work better in version 1.8-.1.8.9. Other Versions work but they are not the best. Better support will be added soon for higher versions.

PvP Bots requires a working version of Citizens. Download the appropriate version of Citizens which suits your server. Bots can be disable by either removing the Citizens plugin or disabling the DuelBot command in the config.yml
All PvPBots settings can be changed in entities.yml
Permission for all bots: mcduels.bot.*
Permission: mcduels.bot.player
A BotPlayer fights similar to a real player but the only thing is, its not a player. The BotPlayer will be given the same kit as other players when the game starts. Bots have a SubTarget so if another players tries hitting them, the will attack them depending on the distance. Keep in mind that BotPlayers are not players so don't expect it to think exactly like a player. BotPlayers will also have the ability to the following things.
Wear the Strongest armor in inventory
Use the strongest weapon in inventory
Swap from Range to Melee and Back
Switch weapon when hand is empty
AutoEquip Armor
Shoot SnowBalls and Eggs, Arrows
Use Enchanted and Non-Enchanted Golden Apples
Use Soup
Permission: mcduels.bot.zombie
A Zombie is similar to a BotPlayer. The only difference is Zombie's come in a difference form and makes noise. If no kits are selected, Zombies will use the bare hands to fight. Zombie's will also have the ability to the following things.
Wear the Strongest armor in inventory Use the strongest weapon in inventory Switch weapon when hand is empty AutoEquip Armor Use GoldenApples, Strength Potions, Speed Potions, Splash Healing Potions and Soup
Permission: mcduels.bot.pigzombie
A Zombie Pigman uses a Gold Sword to kill players. Zombie Pigman's has quick reflexes. It moves faster than a NormalBot. It is resistance to fire. A Zombie PigMan can do the following thing. Strafe - Very Slow.
Permission: mcduels.bot.skeleton
Skeleton only uses an enchant bow with infinity 1 which is given to them when the fight beings. Skeleton's will target a specific player with a single arrow. If another player gets to close to the Skeleton, It will shoot them with a knockback arrow. This arrow will also have the ability to the following things.
KnockBack - is used when a player is very close to the Skeleton. Fire Effect - is used randomly Weekness Effect - is used randomly Poison Effect - is used randomly Slowness Effect - is used randomly Sometimes a Skeleton will shoot a normal arrow if the player is idle or far away. A Skeleton will have infinity arrows which means that they will never run out of arrows.
Permission: mcduels.bot.slime
Slime's will have the ability to jump to its target.
Permission: mcduels.bot.spider
Spider's are crawling entities which jumps to a player on hit. Sometimes a Skeleton will shoot a normal arrow if the player is idle or far away. A Skeleton will have infinity arrows which means that they will never run out of arrows.
Permission: mcduels.bot.cavespider
CaveSpider's are similar to Spiders. The only difference is when a cave spider hits a player, its gives the player a poison effect.
Permission: mcduels.bot.wolf
A wolf walks left to right when attacking their target. When a wolf hits a player, it jumps
Permission: mcduels.bot.irongolem
IronGolem's swings it arms upon hit. IronGolem's is one of the strongest entities.
Permission: mcduels.bot.witch
A witch only uses potions to PvP. Witches have unlimited potions which means they can use any potion effect to throw at a player. If another player comes to close to the witch, it will use a harming potion. The Witch has the ability to do the following things. Throw HarmingPotion Throw WeaknessPotion Throw SlownessPotion Throw PoisonPotion Use HealingPotion
Last updated
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