[] - Requires an argument
{} - Optional
/mcduels info
McDuels info
/mcduels lang
McDuels language
/mcduels reload
Reload McDuels
/mcduels hooks
Get McDuels plugin hooks
/mcduels signs clear
Clear all McDuels signs
/mcduels items bypass
Bypass McDuels Hotbar Items
/mcduels stopall
Stopall Arenas
/duel [name] {Arena}
Duel a player
/duel accept
Accept a duel request
/duel decline
Decline a duel request
/duel leave
Leave a duel
/duel claim
Claim rewards after a bets game
/duel toggle
Toggle Duel on and off
/duel rematch
Rematch a player after a game
/duelstats [name]
View a player Statistics
/duelstats reset <Player>
Reset a specific player statistics
/duelstats reset all
Reset all player statistics
/duelgamemode create <Name> <GameMode>
Create a replicate gamemode
/duelgamemode delete <Name>
Delete a replicated gamemode
/duelgamemode setgui <Name>
Set GUI for replicated gamemode
/duelgamemode list
Show a list of replicated gamemodes
/party create [party]
Create a party
/party invite [name]
Invite a player to a party
/party uninvite [name]
Display the Help Page
/party promote [name]
Display the Help Page
/party demote [name]
Display the Help Page
/party info [party]
Display the Help Page
/party join [party]
Display the Help Page
/party rename [party]
Display the Help Page
/party changeleader [player]
Display the Help Page
/party kick [player]
Display the Help Page
/party member [player]
Display the Help Page
/party leave
Display the Help Page
/party disband
Display the Help Page
/party list
Display the Help Page
/party chat
Display the Help Page
/party toggle
Display the Help Page
/party spy
Display the Help Page
/duelparty [party] {arena}
Display the Help Page
/duelparty accept
Display the Help Page
/duelparty decline
Display the Help Page
/duelparty join
Display the Help Page
/duelparty leave
Display the Help Page
/duelkit create [kit] [type]
Display the Help Page
/duelkit delete [kit]
Display the Help Page
/duelkit setGUI [kit]
Display the Help Page
/duelkit setInv [kit]
Display the Help Page
/duelkit setperm [kit] [permission]
Display the Help Page
/duelkit removeperm [kit]
Display the Help Page
/duelkit load [kit]
Display the Help Page
/duelkit list
Display the Help Page
/duelchat toggle
Duel Chat toggle
Duel Settings Command
/duelbot join 1v1
Join DuelBot 1v1 queue
/duelbot join 2v2
Join DuelBot 2v2 queue
/duelbot join 3v3
Join DuelBot 3v3 queue
/duelbot leave
Leave duelbot game or queue
Open Battle GUI
/battle join 1v1
Join Battle 1v1 queue
/battle join 2v2
Join Battle 2v2 queue
/battle join 3v3
Join Battle 3v3 queue
/battle leave
Leave battle game or queue
/arena create [arena] [type]
Create arena
/arena delete [arena]
Delete gamemode from arena
/arena add [arena] [type]
Add Gamemode to arena
/arena remove [arena] [type]
Remove an arena
/arena setspawn [arena] 1-10:spectate
Set arena spawn
/arena setspawn [arena] lobby
Set lobby spawn
/arena setspawn end
Set end spawn
/arena enable [arena] {spectate}
Enable an arena or spectate
/arena disable [arena] {spectate}
Disable an arena or spectate
/arena teleport [arena] 1:2:Spectate:Lobby
Teleport to arena
/arena teleport end
Teleport to end spawn
/arena schematic [arena]
Schematic arena
/arena info [arena]
Information on an arena
/arena list
Arena list
/spectate arena [arena]
Spectate an arena
/spectate player [player]
Spectate a player
/spectate party [party]
Spectate a party
/spectate leave
Leave spectate
Ranked games
Unranked games
Leave command for all gamemodes
Change language
/language [player]
Check a player language
/ffa join
FFA join command
/ffa leave
FFA leave command
Display Ranks
KitEditor Command
/kiteditor save
KitEditor save command
/kiteditor reset
KitEditor reset command
/kiteditor leave
KitEditor leave command
/kiteditor select
KitEditor select command
Show player elo
/elo [player]
Shows a player elo
/elo reset [player]
Reset a specific player elo for all gamemodes and gametypes
/elo reset all
Reset all players elo for all gamemodes and gametypes
/elo set [player] [type] [amount]
Set a players elo for a type
/elo top [GameMode|GameType]
Shows top elo for gamemode or gametype
Last updated