Tournament Setup
Before tournaments are functional you wou need to setup Kits, Arenas and create the arena
Normal Build Sumo Combo Soup Spleef Bedwars Skywars Koth
Before creating a tournament an end spawn must be sent.
/tournament setend
This is the location the player will teleport back to after a tournament. Players can also return to their previous location depending on the setting.
Steps to creating tournaments.
Create the tournament:
/tournament create <Tournament> <GameMode>
Set the GUI item for tournaments so when the command /tournament list, /tournaments or /tournament stats is used this item will be displayed
/tournament setgui <Tournament>
Set the Lobby location so when a player join the tournament they will be teleported to that location
/tournament setlobby <Tournament
Now create the arena for the tournament. Multiple arenas can be created for a tournament so there can be multiple tournament games happening at once.
Create Arena:
/tournament createarena <Tournament> <Arena>
Setspawn 1 and 2
/tournament setspawn <Tournament> <Arena> 1-2
If it is a Build Gamemode such as Build, Skywars,Bedwars or Spleef, a schematic is required. You will need WorldEdit to set this up.
Select first point, select second point //copy
Then /tournament schematic <Tournament> <Arena>
If it is a KOTH Tournament the following commands has to be used /tournament setcorner1 <Tournament> <Arena> Sets the first corner for KOTH /tournament setcorner2 <Tournament> <Arena> Sets the second corner for KOTH
If no kits are being used then you don't have to worry about create kits, otherwise to create kits you use the following commands
If it is a Bedwars tournament the following commands has to be used
/tournament setbed <Tournament> <Arena> 1-2
/tournament createkit <Tournament> <Name>
/tournament setgui <Tournament>
Set the kit GUI item. Players will only be able to select kits if there are more than one.
After setting up Tournaments, Use /mctournaments reload
Last updated
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